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Heathrow Lodging Recommendation

Christian Bratina2016-05-09 18:56:35

We are flying with our boxed tandem (180 x 76 x 28 cm) to Heathrow at the end of August and would like any recommendation for a hotel or B&B that we can access with the Heathrow Hoppa bus and leave our box there for a month while we ride LEJOG. Thanks.

Mark Silver2016-05-16 14:20:25

Hello Christian. We are not that far from Heathrow, and our local bus (the 441) starts in our village and ends at Heathrow central bus station, the ten-odd miles taking it about an hour. Whilst this is obviously a bit further than the Hoppa, there are three B&B’s near to us, and I’ll happily put your box in my shed for a month. Any use?

Christian Bratina2016-05-16 14:45:40

: Hello Christian. We are not that far from Heathrow, and our local bus (the
: 441) starts in our village and ends at Heathrow central bus station, the
: ten-odd miles taking it about an hour. Whilst this is obviously a bit
: further than the Hoppa, there are three B&B’s near to us, and I’ll happily
: put your box in my shed for a month. Any use?

Thanks for your most gracious offer! How can I get the boxed tandem there? It is 180 x 76 x 28 cm. Can I take it on the local bus? Or is there an alternative service? I will check on the a van delivery service from the airport.

Mark Silver2016-05-17 09:31:32


My best guess is that you'll be fine taking a big box with you on the bus. As I'm usually cycling, I confess I'm no bus expert, but as the bus is rarely full I would be reasonably sure you would be allowed to take it on-board. I reckon hiring vans is a little excessive: I'd rely on the bus.