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Re: Advice please - Dawes Galaxy / Thorn / Cannond

Tricia Anderson2005-04-07 22:19:17

: Hi, my wife and I are looking to buy a tandem for the first time (new or
: used), and have test-ridden a Dawes Galaxy for a couple of hours and were
: impressed. But others have told me they are not as good as Thorn or
: Cannondale. We plan to be riding locally and some lightweight touring. Any
: advice gladly received! We are both experienced mono tourers.


I hope that after receiving all this good advice you will become (if you're not already) a member of the Tandem Club! There's an application form available via this website. It's a great past-time and a fabulous way to spend time together. I hope you're able to hook up with some other local tandemists in your area.


John Lowe2024-08-22 08:48:56

Hi Michael

We have a Dawes Gallexy Twin for sale completely rebuilt by Pete Bird and the team at Bicycles by Design the bike is fitted with  German Neodrive which is excellent we average around 15 miles an hour. We now both the wrong side of 80 and lost a bit of confidence, we were amazed how the electric power assisted like having legs of a 20 year old full details and programs on the Web site good luck

Regards John Lowe

David Gray2024-08-24 11:08:58

Can I suggest you look to see where your nearest tandem club group ride will be and go along to it. That way you will meet experienced Tandemists and see a variety of makes, it might help you decide what you are looking for. There was somewhere on the web a review of the Thorn Discovery Tandem versus the Dawes Galaxy. (The review is probably quite old now but it might help, the Discovery was a light touring and day ride machine).


Mike Dunning2024-08-24 11:33:25


I'm selling off my fleet of 12 tandems that I used to hire out on the Somerset Levels. Various makes and sizes including Thorn, Orbit, Trek, Swallow, Nigel Dean and even a lovely George Longstaff. Depending on where you live, you're welcome to come and have a look and test ride. I'm based near Langport, Somerset.
