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Santana EU Shop

Quentin Field-Boden2024-08-07 19:24:48


My wife and I would like to buy two Santana cycling tops and some socks from the Santana EU website and so far we have failed miserably. I have emailed them to try to solve the problem but have got nowhere.

The main problem seems to be that there is no option on the website to deliver to a UK address so I seem to be stuck but I don't want to give up!

I have attached a screenshot of what I want to order, is there anyone that can help me maybe by ordering the items on my behalf for delivery to an address in Germany or similar and I could then pay you for the goods and the postage via PayPal or whatever works best?

I know it's a long shot but I just thought I'd ask!

All the best,


John Fazakerley2024-08-07 19:55:48

Hello Quentin, indeed the problem is the additional work required to send to the UK post Brexit! This resulted in us having to travel to Bavaria twice this year to buy a new Santana tandem. Wolfgang from Santana EU was very helpful and great to deal with, but has clearly experienced a lot of trouble sending bits to the UK. We required an extra component that wasn't available when we picked up the tandem. Happily we were able to get it sent to an address when we were in the Nederlands at ITR2024. Perhaps you could wait until ITR2025 if you haven't sorted it before then and do the same thing? Or do you know someone who will be holidaying in the EU at a fixed base, the same thing could be done. Good luck. 

David Flitcroft2024-08-07 20:29:37


By all means use our address in France and I'll forward the items to you as a 'gift', alternatively I'll bring to U.K. at the end of the year. There should be no problem having a different delivery address to payment address. 


Quentin Field-Boden2024-08-08 07:15:32
John Fazakerley wrote: 2024-08-07 19:55:48

Hello Quentin, indeed the problem is the additional work required to send to the UK post Brexit! This resulted in us having to travel to Bavaria twice this year to buy a new Santana tandem. Wolfgang from Santana EU was very helpful and great to deal with, but has clearly experienced a lot of trouble sending bits to the UK. We required an extra component that wasn't available when we picked up the tandem. Happily we were able to get it sent to an address when we were in the Nederlands at ITR2024. Perhaps you could wait until ITR2025 if you haven't sorted it before then and do the same thing? Or do you know someone who will be holidaying in the EU at a fixed base, the same thing could be done. Good luck. 

Thanks John, I am sure you are right about the reasons behind the problems I'm experiencing. Sadly even with an address in France to deliver to (thanks to Dave Flitcroft) and all the details entered correctly I still get the website giving me this message and I can't get to a payment stage. So frustrating, may well give up.

Quentin Field-Boden2024-08-08 07:19:53

David Flitcroftwrote: 2024-08-07 20:29:37

By all means use our address in France and I'll forward the items to you as a 'gift', alternatively I'll bring to U.K. at the end of the year. There should be no problem having a different delivery address to payment address. 

Dave, thanks for the very kind offer. I've given it another go and still failed, I emailed you the details. Frankly I'm pretty shocked at the total lack of any help or guidance coming from Santana, they just seem totally uninterested and don't even reply to reasonable requests for help sad

All the best, Q

Bob Cahn2024-08-08 07:29:50



My wife and I live in Denver.  We are in the UK 3-4 times a year.  Our next time will be the middle of September.  If you want you could ship them to our Denver address and we could post them to you when we get back to England.  We have a wee flat in Chertsey and our daughter lives in Twickenham.  Our old tandem is a Santana and we have ordered parts over the years from them.  Our email is  Be happy to help!  

Kind regards, Bob Cahn

Quentin Field-Boden2024-08-09 19:23:06

Hello All

Just posting an update but firstly thank you to David and Bob who kindly offered to help.

I was contacted directly by telephone by Wolfgang Haas (Santana EU) today and the ordering and shipping issue has been resolved, he couldn't have been more helpful., lovely guy.

All the best to all,