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Thorn Me n U2 kiddie back triplet

Graeme Knott2024-03-28 07:41:54
Looking for a second hand kiddie back triplet if any one has one to move on / has outgrown
Tim Dowson2024-03-28 08:33:33
Hi Graeme -  think there's one in Newcastle upon Tyne.  DM me on if this might be of interest 
John Little2024-03-28 08:43:47
We have a Hellios tandem/triplet that our kids have out grown near Durham.
Graeme Knott2024-03-28 09:10:25

Thanks Tim - message sent. gmail doesnt like me much so may be in spam.

Hi john - is it the modular bike - any details / spec?


many thanks

John Little2024-03-28 09:56:51

It's got the 11 speed affine hub and butterfly handle bars on the front 
You can split it and use it as a tandem or add the extra seat and use it as a triplet.

It's all in good order. We bought it from new and mostly used it for the school run when the weather was ok.

Graeme Knott2024-08-11 22:08:15
Still looking, thank you