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Bob Jackson selling/price advice

Peter Gunn2021-02-28 20:50:28

Hi I wonder if you might be able to help with a query about my elderly friends bob Jackson tandem? He’s decided it’s time to part with it but we really haven’t much idea of how best to sell it and at what price. Sorry for limited details but this is what I know. Bob Jackson tandem, frame in excellent virtually unmarked condition, 1970s ish?, vintage Brooks saddles in good condition, obviously tyres knackered but rims good. See attached pictures (sorry some upside down as was hanging upside down in garage

Peter Gunn2021-02-28 21:10:32
Peter Gunn2021-02-28 21:12:19
Peter Gunn2021-02-28 21:18:22
Peter Gunn2021-02-28 21:18:36
John Saunders2021-03-01 11:36:47

Hi Peter

I recently also had occasion to help an elderley Tandemist who decided he was not able to ride his two Tandems any more and managed to sell his Bob Jackson on ebay. Did try the Tandem Club without success . As the old saying goes " it only takes one interested party to make a sale"

He sold for £350.00


Martyn Aldis2021-03-02 09:59:25

Although this late winter time would normally be a good time to sell as thoughts turn to longer warmer days, the current Covid 19 restrictions mean that many potential buyers will be unable to get to see the bike or to collect it legally.

He could wait for restrictions to be lifted or put it on the Club Sales list now at a sensible but not dead cheap price and be prepared for it to sit there a few months. I would probably put in on now at £500 and wait and see. Mind you, I have rather more experience of buying tandems than selling them, ratio of 10:2 I'm afraid...


2021-03-03 07:01:06

Tandems are very difficult to sell, but this is a high quality machine. I'd suggest putting it on ebay around John's suggested price at the start of Easter - they're very difficult to sell at any other time of year, (I've currently got 7 to sell).... 

Brian @ Golden Age Cycles

Chris Allen2021-03-03 11:32:35

Hi Peter. As someone who has recently bought (Dec 2020) his first used tandem (eBay), I can confirm Brian's post; tandems don't carry high prices even for 'classics'. I live in London and the problem for me was finding a suitable one that didn't require me to travel a long distance to to collect it (most appeared to be t'up North). What clinched the one I did buy, was the fact that the seller was willing to deliver it (I paid of course). TBH, if he hadn't delivered I'd still be looking. So offering a form of delivery, could work in your favour.

Oh, and specifying dimension helps. Check tandem websites to find out which measurements. Chris

Peter Gunn2021-03-03 17:26:12

Thanks all for your replies