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Peter Weeks2021-02-12 12:28:37

Full Members on 1 Dec 2020 will each receive two 50th anniversary "snoods" as a gift from the Club with the latest TCJ. 

Hope you like them and find them useful.   

Peter Weeks, Chair

2021-02-12 14:16:06

Dear Peter

Many thanks (as ever) for the magazine - it's always interesting!  But special thanks for the snoods - what a great idea.  May I add also,  appreciation for the committee's coming up with this 50th anniversary plan. . . and grateful thanks to Les Brown.

Best wishes

Alan Spicer



Richard Fuller2021-02-12 22:24:39

Peter we received ours and tried them today (walking) too slippery to tandem they are wonderful in this cold weather and double as a COVID mask. Very pleasant surprise thank you 

Richard and Jane Fuller

2021-02-13 16:26:22

The snoods are a lovely idea and another channel of publicity for the club. Appreciated it today on my ride to my local bike shop in -1C temperatures. Are further snoods available for purchase? My two daughters, Sarah and Alice, attended many rallies for 15 years+ from 2001 and would like a snood themselves. They have both now moved away to Cornwall but I'm sure that they will re-appear at a rally in the future - maybe even with children of their own!!!

Alastair & Ann-Marie Hopkins, Wolverhampton

Neil Johnson2021-02-21 18:58:47

Dear All

What a lovely and unexpected surprise to receive our pair of snoods! Many thanks, keep up the good work.

Neil and Victoria Johnson

PS Just renewed our membership for another 5 years :-)