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Suspension seat post replacement spring

Martin Gibson2020-11-05 19:08:56

I have a Galaxy Discovery Twin with what I think is the original suspension seatpost for the stoker.

It looks like this seatpost had a combination of spring and elastomer to provide the suspension, but the spring is missing.

Any suggestions where I might source a replacement spring? Length would be ~60mm uncompressed, external diameter ~20mm.



Matthew Stephens 2020-11-07 10:30:25

Not sure where a replacement spring can be obtained, but I believe they are fairly basic seat posts - a whole basic suspension seatpost can be obtained for around £6 upwards on Amazon warehouse. Could also check ebay, gumtree or Facebook for used ones. 

Best wishes

Martin Gibson2020-11-14 12:43:57

Here's the solution I found in case it's useful for others.

I ordered a €5 replacement spring from Hollandbikeshop:

I expected this to be a bit long, and indeed it was, but trimming the elastomer which fills the remainder of the length of the seatpost was easy with a sharp knife. The setpost is now springing beautifully once again.