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getting bikes transported

Tim Dowson2019-07-05 19:01:03

I need to arrange for a bike to be delivered to someone in the deep south of England. Does anyone know of any reasonable carriers who will do this?  It's not particularly urgent, but I'd prefer not to have to pack it up extensively. Thanks - Tim

Alan MacDonald2019-07-05 20:38:24

Tim, I recently sold my tandem to a buyer in France. We arranged for a delivery through from the Scottish Borders to Kent where a friend of the buyer was able to complete the tandem's journey, which worked well for us. However, I didn't realise that take a 33% charge for setting up the delivery via their website. Van drivers will bid for your order via the website, but if you contact them directly you can agree a price, which is likely to be lower than the price. I packed the tandem with 2 bike boxes, which the van driver appreciated, but said was unnecessary. I can provide the details of the company I used if you want to use him. 

Tim Dowson2019-07-05 21:52:29

Alan, that would be good - 33% seems a bit much. If it doesn't work I'll try shipley itself.

Alan MacDonald2019-07-05 22:58:44

Tim, I used R T Transport, Forfar. 


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