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Shockstop suspension stem

Philip Ingram2019-06-03 18:06:53

This suspension stem gets a reasonable review in the CTC mag (june/july 2019). Quite a lot of money at £150. I could do with some suspension up front. Has anyone tried this stem on a tandem?

Robert Bending2019-06-16 09:25:00

I can't see the picture on your post, but I bought a Satori Animaris – similar design to a Cane Creek Thudbuster but about half the price.

It's effective at smoothing small bumps but in all honesty, I'm not sure the added comfort outweighs the cost and's a heavy lump. Also, the seatpost is quite short, so it may not be long enough for tall riders.

Tim Dowson2019-06-19 20:26:10

The thudbuster is pretty effective for my stoker - it works well wheras most 'in-line' seatposts hardly move. I'm surprised more stokers don't have them as they can't see the bumps and so take the weight off the saddle. The suspension handlebar stems can help a bit on hand vibration - they are maybe a bit more subtle than the seatpins - but i think there's a cheaper one out there for a lot less than 150 quid.