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Advice on removing rear wheel

Angus Peart2018-07-28 16:10:38

I have recently bought a new tandem with an Alfine 8 hub with Di2 electronic shift and hydraulic brakes.

I am wondering how to remove the rear wheel in the event of a puncture.Does anyone have any advice to offer as I am unable to locate any guidance on the Shimano website, and it would be helpful to know what to do before disaster strikes on a ride!

philip tregear2018-07-31 14:36:37

I have a bike with a 3 speed/drum brake hub. So, a similar problem. I use schwablbe marathon plus tyres .  In several years winter riding i have had 2 punctures. Both fixed with wheel in situ. I think removing my rear wheel on the road would be a nightmare. I suspect yours may be to. Prevention is better than cure!

Good luck