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Tandem partner wanted

2018-04-23 11:21:16

I am a 68 year old male, fairly fit, who would like to try tandem touring, shorter or longer trips, but cannot interest my wife. In particular I would like to ride on a Hase Pino Steps with a bit of electric assist and, for my back, a recumbent front riding position. I am particularly keen to find someone who would like to do the steering and braking at the back so someone with tandem experience already, perhaps currently missing a partner, would be of great interest. The Pino can be tested out at London Recumbents in Dulwich Park. I have promised my wife not to buy one until I have found a long term partner for it! I am looking for a partner, not an investor, so no contribution is required. I am fairly fit so could do my share on the front and am used to recumbent riding as I have toured parts of France on my recumbent trike. But it would be nice to tour with some company. 

I live near Wimbledon but interested in touring in the South East. I have a car which will take the tandem without any dismantling so no problem getting around.