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Plus Bike on National Rail Enquiries - Beware some info. not up to date

Martyn Aldis2018-02-27 09:36:01

National Rail Enquires added a Plus Bike feature a few years ago to give specific details about cycle facilities and cycle carriage rules for specific services. This was a step forward but it looks like the information is not being kept up to date. Specifically the cycle policy has changed for Virgin East Coast with the introduction of the new Azuma (Class 800 and 801) trains and tandems are no longer welcome. The Plus Bike and GWR information about tandem carriage on the GWR mainline London <=> Cardiff should also be treated with caution as new Class 800 trains are serving this route. I am doing my best to get updated information from GWR and to make contact with Plus Bike and will update the Tandems on Trains information when policies are clear.

Martyn Aldis

Rail Liaison  - Tandems on Trains

Martyn Aldis2018-02-27 09:53:03