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Hase Pino Childrens Crankset

Dave Schofield2017-12-20 10:57:52

Hase Pino Childrens Crankset wanted

Anyone out there with one that's no longer needed?

Martin Staines2017-12-30 17:06:07

: Hase Pino Childrens Crankset wanted

: Anyone out there with one that's no longer needed?

I've got the clamp and bottom bracket assembly, so you'd need to fit your own kids chainset to it. (I'm using the chainset on another tandem!)
Say £40 including postage?
I can send photo if necessary

Dave Schofield2017-12-31 08:28:45

Hi Martin

A picture would be great, posted here or send it to

Price is fine

Does it fit older steel pinos (about 50mm tube) or Aluminium ones (about 65mm)?
