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Ciclovia Alpe Adria Radweg *LINK*

Robert Garthwaite2018-01-25 10:52:17

Has anyone ridden this cycle route from Salzburg to Grado (Italy). If so do you
have your route as a GPX file.

Pat Watson2018-03-13 17:00:12

Hi Robert


Yes we have have in Sept 2017. I have just submitted our account of the tour to the editor of tandem club.We followed the official route from Saltzburgh  to about 30 mile short of Grado as we put our own route in  from there and went to Udine across to Lake Garda and finished in Venice .

We both use a Garmin edge and  they have the route in them. We booked 20 hotels for our stops .if you want the route I can email you the stops and give you more info and what to be aware of and things you might need to know . it was both  physically & mentally  demanding, the hardest   tour we have undertaken but worth it iwas  amazing! Lots of climbing and some very steep gradients.

I am happy to email you if you want any information and you can contact me if you wish

Regards Pat.