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cycle insurance & TSB

Ruth Hargreaves2017-09-01 10:20:14

I have come across a bike cover policy with TSB. It's called Pick and Protect and they offer a range of services, including stand alone bike cover.

They only insure a bike up to a value of £3,500. But if your most expensive bike is say £3,500 then any other bike you have is automatically insured as long as it's value is under £3,500, so it doesn't cost any more if you have several bikes.

The cover is worldwide and you don't need to have a specific lock, it just has to be locked to an object that can't be moved.

I got a quote from them for the £3,500 cover and it is only £105.43 per annum.

Peter chaffer2017-09-25 10:09:10

: I have come across a bike cover policy with TSB. It's called Pick and Protect
: and they offer a range of services, including stand alone bike cover.

: They only insure a bike up to a value of £3,500. But if your most expensive
: bike is say £3,500 then any other bike you have is automatically insured
: as long as it's value is under £3,500, so it doesn't cost any more if you
: have several bikes.

: The cover is worldwide and you don't need to have a specific lock, it just
: has to be locked to an object that can't be moved.

: I got a quote from them for the £3,500 cover and it is only £105.43 per
: annum.

Brilliant product - taken out bike only insurance for £41 with £3500 cover

keith Barrett2017-11-12 19:19:53

: Brilliant product - taken out bike only insurance for £41 with £3500 cover I am new round here so sorry if this has been covered before but pedalcover is a company set up because high value bikes are not included in most policies. I have my buildings and contents with them including £10,000 worth of tandems and it only came in £75 more than my directline policy without the bikes. The owner is a keen cyclist himself but does not get out now because he is so busy. They also sponser cycling events so put something back to the community. No connection with them, just a happy customer.

mark tipping2017-09-26 06:46:35

Ruth that looks a really good policy, well done for highlighting it.
We live in a city centre apartment where all our car, motorbike, camper, household insurance doubled or trebled in price when moving from previous address.
TSB quoted me £111 for a years cover on £3.5K bikes so outstanding offer - that price is less than 20% of the extra cost quoted to add bikes on our M&S home insurance policy on last renewal.

Barry Wilson2018-01-02 16:08:01

Thats sounds like a good deal Ruth. However, as we need to renew our home and contents insurance in january, I've been checking prices which would also include cycle cover. I've decided on Pedalcover as they offer the same deal on house and contents as our Saga policy but with the addition of any number of bikes. And its significantly cheaper.

I hope you and the team have a happy new year.

Barry & Janet

Paul Smart2018-01-24 19:33:50

: I have come across a bike cover policy with TSB. It's called Pick and Protect
: and they offer a range of services, including stand alone bike cover.

: They only insure a bike up to a value of £3,500. But if your most expensive
: bike is say £3,500 then any other bike you have is automatically insured
: as long as it's value is under £3,500, so it doesn't cost any more if you
: have several bikes.

: The cover is worldwide and you don't need to have a specific lock, it just
: has to be locked to an object that can't be moved.

: I got a quote from them for the £3,500 cover and it is only £105.43 per
: annum.

I have just checked this cover with TSB ... £45 for the year. Fantastic, needless to say I took advantage of the offer. Thanks for the info Ruth :)

Ruth Hargreaves2018-03-08 18:17:00

Barry is quite correct the insurance from Pedalcover is super, it's certainly worth considering if you wish to switch your home insurance to a company that includes cycles. I'm impressed with their service and the premium.

John Saunders2018-03-09 10:51:17

I also insurred with Pedalcover and found their premium dropped from the previous insurer.... plus the added Tandem was covered to its value and the daughters wheelchair Tandem was also covered, both had to be " Specials " under the old Policy

Marney Frere2019-09-11 16:54:52

Do any members have current information on coverage for a higher value ( over £3500) tandem?

Alan MacDonald2019-09-11 17:03:52

Earlier this year I insured our tandem on our house policy (Shiela's Wheels), which allows bikes up to £10000 (ours was less than this, but more than £3500). The additional cost, after specifying the value of the tandem, was relatively small and considerably less than a stand alone policy. As long as you take normal precautions when away from home, locking bike etc then the insurance cover was fine for us. 

Chris Lee2019-10-01 12:33:39

Has anyone got an e-bike insured? I had the TSB cover from the original post but the last time I renewed I noticed e-bikes were specifically excluded from my policy.

John Saunders2023-03-28 18:15:00

I have fitted a post production conversion kit to electrify my Tandem and have been advised by Pedal Cover that they will only insure e-bikes which are produced  new  as an e-bike and will not entertain any conversions. They have covered my Tandem ( and other bikes ) for many years. They tell me it is because of a change of underwriters As my Tandem was the most expensive bike I was limited to insurers willing to cover, as has been mentioned TSB will cover to £3500 but it would appear M&S will cover up to £10000 on Standard or £15000 on Premier.Policies

As Pedal Cover will not entertain the conversion I have told them my thoughts and moved after 6 years