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Unknown tandem makes

Stuart Hague2017-07-26 22:00:17

Hi, As a result of my brothers ill health I have become responsible for a collection of old bikes, trikes and tandems. I know next to nothing about bikes. cycle mechanics, bike values, riding tandems etc ( a bit of a dork really)

The tandems are stored near Tiptree, Essex and I wondered whether there is anyone out there that can advise me on what I have become responsible for?

My brother is now in a care home and my aim is to realise some cash to clear his debts and to pay for a funeral plan ( sounds awful doesn't it but I have to be practical)

Some of the tandems are complete whilst others are in pieces ( if that is the correct term)

A link to a google album showing some of the complete albums is (copy and paste into your browser)

I am visiting the unit where they are stored on Saturday 29th July and again on Monday 31st July and wondered if there was anyone who was willing to pop over and give a bit of advice. You can contact me through my email or phone 01603 721248

Barry Wilson2017-08-05 13:43:40

Hi Stuart.

At first I was a bit sceptical about the web link to your photos but decided to have a look. Wow! Those are 6 fantastic machines which should really be kept together in some sort of display situation. Though that's something which is unlikely to make much money for you. Maybe someone will have more ideas than I do. Good luck to you.


Stuart Hague2017-08-05 16:13:39

Hi Barry,

Thanks for your message. I can always hope someone comes up with an idea.

Many years ago my brother was hoping to have a museum of sorts and started collecting bikes, trikes, tandems. The reality was this was far beyond his means and ability. Now he has had a stroke, he barely recollects having any bikes. As I am his attorney, I need to raise some money to pay off his debts and to raise enough for a funeral and I am out of my comfort zone with this. Luckily, I am not rushed for time.

I had thought whether to try to put together the Orbit ( the tandem in pieces) - but realistically It would take me ages and ,as I am not mechanically minded, I couldn't guarantee it would be safe.

Anyway, thanks for the contact