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orbit twin 26

patrick goulden2017-07-15 11:12:29

Can anyone tell me what an Orbit twin 26 frame was made out of, there is one for sale on ebay and I do not know much about the model?

clive2017-07-17 14:26:11

: Can anyone tell me what an Orbit twin 26 frame was made out of, there is one
: for sale on ebay and I do not know much about the model?

Presumably not the black tandem up there at the moment listed as "Orbit Aluminium Tandem"? :-) (which also has a jdcycles sticker on it - and they read this board)

patrick goulden2017-07-18 09:51:36

: Can anyone tell me what an Orbit twin 26 frame was made out of, there is one
: for sale on ebay and I do not know much about the model?
: Regards
: Patrick

Thanks for the reply Clive. The auction has ended it was an older model looked pre JD. vintage. Had the gold Orbit head badge om it and looked to be steel framed.



clive2017-07-19 00:15:12

: Thanks for the reply Clive. The auction has ended it was an older model
: looked pre JD. vintage. Had the gold Orbit head badge om it and looked to
: be steel framed.

This one?

Claims handbuilt in Sheffield, which implies steel, and although the tubes are fairly fat, I reckon steel from the pics too - those rear dropouts look too thin for Al.

Richard Davies2017-08-02 16:15:58

: This one?


: Claims handbuilt in Sheffield, which implies steel, and although the tubes
: are fairly fat, I reckon steel from the pics too - those rear dropouts
: look too thin for Al.

It is indeed a Sheffield model. 4130 CrMo I seem to recall.