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York - Scarborough Bridge consultation *LINK*

Mark Stephens2017-07-12 15:02:18

In the city of York the NCN 65 cycle route crosses the Ouse at the Scarborough Rail bridge. The existing cycle / pedestrian route has steep steps at each end and is narrow.

> The current narrow crossing is used by over 2,600 pedestrians and 600 cyclists on average each day. This is despite it having steep steps and being inaccessible for people with mobility issues.

There is a consultation taking place on the design of an upgrade that would give ramp access to a wider bridge deck for cyclists and pedestrians.

I've emailed my request that tandems be considered in the design of any traffic calming, restrictions, and turning spaces / radii.

The link will give you more details and an opportunity to add your voice.

Scarborough Bridge consultation