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Lucton school badgeHerefordshire coat of arms

UK National Tandem Rally
Lucton School,

Lucton, Herefordshire.

August 20th. 2011- August 27th. 2011

The Event

After a space of ten years the National Rally will return to Lucton School in North Herefordshire.

Many of you may remember Lucton 2001 which took place when 444 of us were let out from the detention imposed by the foot and mouth outbreak of that year. Since then the school's fortunes have improved and so have many of the facilities.

The sports field will provide a dry and level haven for all levels of camping and the cricket pavilion will resume its role as 'The Wobbly Wheel'.

The boarding house now has room for 76 occupants in mostly single room accommodation.

The swimming pool has been completely refurbished and is now heated and in its own building and the adjacent sports hall is available for us to use.

There will be, as in 2001, a breakfast available for cycle campers and boarding house occupants.

Unfortunately it will not be possible to provide electricity for caravan and motorhome owners.

North Herefordshire
and environs is superb cycling country for young and old alike so please put the date in your diary, on the calendar, come and join us and give a new meaning to the school motto 'Floreat Luctona'.

Booking forms and instructions will be added when registration opens.

The event is being organised by Norman and Margaret Taylor.

Map showing location of Lucton School

Members Only

Note: This rally is open only to members of The Tandem Club (UK). Annual membership is £10.00 or €18 per year with membership for the first Joint Member or 'Family' member free. If you'd like to become a member of The Tandem Club, link to the Subscription Details page by clicking here.