
The icons used within rides are shown below

48 icons have been created

By using colours and symbols, you can easily distinguish the places of interest on the map

Category - Food

 food / cafe  A cafe or a tearoom
 food / pub  A pub that serves food
 food / shop  A shop that sells food. Large supermarkets are not included as we are looking to support local stores
 food / bakery  A bakery
 food / garden centre  A garden centre that has a cafe.
 food / farmshop  A farm shop, often in the countryside where a snack is needed
 food / icecream  A specific ice cream shop. This is not for shops that have a freezer in the corner


Category - Interest

 interest / castle  Anything from a complete castle though to the remains of a motte and bailey
 interest / countrypark  Plenty of space, a dedicated area
 interest / house  Anything from a National Trust residence to a small preserved attraction in a High Street
 interest / church  A religious building from a ruined Abbey to a parish church
 interest / museum  A museum
 interest / industrial  There is a lot of industrial archaeology out there. From old railways to canal bridges, from old mines to coal mines       
 interest / historic  A site of historical significance such as a battlefield
 interest / prehistoric  From Standing Stones to Cairns
 interest / garden  Somewhere with a garden to enjoy, often in association with another place of interest
 interest / beach  Your classic beach, from sandy to pebbles
 interest / picnic  Anywhere to have a picnic, but there should be a seat or a table
 interest / lighthouse  A personal request from Neil as I like them
 interest / visitor centre  Somewhere that can provide local/regional information
 interest / wildlife  From an RSPC reserve to zoos
 interest / heritage railway  There are a lot of heritage railways in the UK, and a lot of Tandem riders like to visit them
 interest / miscellaneous  Anything that does not fit in the categories above


Category - Children

 children / farmpark  Farm Parks often full of slides, animals and ice cream, usually have a cafe as well                                                       
 children / playground  The Tandem Club encourage families. These are a great place to stop
 children / miscellaneous  Childrens activities that don't fit into the other two


Category - stay

 stay / hotel                         Please mark hotels that are cycle friendly or those in a good place to complete a tour
 stay / campsite  Campsites. Please be selective, the ones we want are those that are friendly to cycle campers and cyclists, no static sites
 stay / wild campsite  A good spot by a beach for example
 stay / Bed and Breakfast  Bed and Breakfast, cycle friendly ones
 stay / hostel  From YHA to independant
 stay / camping barn  These are commoner than you think and not easily found


Category - bike

 bike / shop  Bike shop
 bike / pump  These are free pumps providd often by councils, sometimes by shops                                                        
 bike / parking  Is there a safe place to leave your bike
 bike / hire  This does not have to be Tandem specific
 bike / millennum post  Those Sustrans markers that are all over the country
 bike / misc  Anything else bike related


Category - travel

 travel / car parking  Somewhere to leave the car to go for a ride
 travel / train station  Train Station
 travel / bus station  Bus Station
 travel / ferry  There are a surpringly large number of ferries about
 travel / map  Local authrities produce local cycling maps based on an area, these can be highlighted               


Category - miscellaneous

 misc / summit        The top of a long climb. Please be selective, don't use this for the top of every hill
 misc / viewpoint  Somewhere with a good view. Like summits please be very selective
 misc / medical  A hospital. We're not marking defibrillators...yet
 misc / toilets  Public toilets
  misc /BCQ British Cycle Quest Clue
 misc / caution  Especially useful for rallies to mark places where there is danger such as crossing A Roads