Tandem 2023 - UK National Rally - Rally Information
Late late query as ever. I too cannot get tcx files to load onto garmin connect. I do not have any text files to delete, I am just trying individual tcx files as courses. Anyone got a fix for this please?
Try this way. It works for my Edge Touring. Before exporting your routes, try to limit the name to 15 characters or less as the remaining characters will get truncated. Plug in your Garmin On the website, navigate to your route or ride. Go to the Export tab Click TCX Course or FIT Course. If your computer prompts you to save the file to a specific location, place it somewhere memorable like the desktop. Using the Finder, My Computer or other tool on your computer, open up the drive associated with the Garmin, usually labeled Garmin Open the Garmin folder located inside the Garmin drive. Click/drag the exported file from your desktop to the NewFiles folder. Safely remove the Garmin (Eject on an Apple machine) and unplug it from the computer After powering it on click the Courses icon and locate your route
Thanks Tony, I gave up on Garmin connect and did as you say, plugged both sat navs into the desktop and copied tcx files across into courses folder on both the edge tour and the 705, both now appear to have the files on and they seem to load up ok so I am hoping it is a glitch with the Connect App. I had tried the 15 character renaming of tcx files with no underscores etc but that didn't help. I only use tcx these days Garmin say there is about a 100 fold increase in waypoints compared to gpx so I was v keen to get it sorted, even if I procrastinated up to the day before the event! See you in the drinks tent tomorrow no doubt!
Canel path verry narrow in places. I would at least miss the bit after you turn left up another canel just after Warick by pass and cut off corner. Also need to go diwn steps at start so could route to join canel later on.
There are about 15 steps down to the canal. It’s a little narrow to the cafe for 400 metres. Pas Hatton Locks is wider and scenic. Yes it’s narrower on the last part, but a gentle walk for maybe 600 metres if you wish and does provide a less trafficked way into Warwick. Whatever you choose take care
At tonight’s cycle jumble I will be selling cycling fillets in a range of sizes. They are £5 each and all sold in aid of Red Rubber Ball charity who support the education of young people in Kenya. Please come and have a try on - from 6.30pm onwards
Hi all, thanks to all those who bought Gillets this evening. We had to pack away for the quiz tonight. We will put the stall out again tomorrow afternoon say 5-6 pm for those that missed us . We have quite a few Gillets left for sale.
Hi , come on down to HQ now for a cup of tea or coffee and buy a very nice gillet for charity for 5 pounds only.
Hi folks. With the traffic lights on the roundabout, please can you use the cycle path or wait at the lights. Please don’t use the pavement. We had to deal with a local resident today complaining about pavement riding, and as everyone is on a tandem, it’s not difficult to find the group responsible. Thankyou neil
Morning coffee stops on the next 2 days. Friday will see us head NW to Henly-in-Arden . There is nothing really on route until Henley (thinking about the short especially) Therefore Ron and Linda along with Gareth and Gill will be manning an impromptu bun stop at Sambourne. There will be a choice of Waitrose finest cakes as I emptied their cupboards this morning. No coffee/tea, so take a drink. There is a largish green and a seat. Provided some local busy body doesn’t object they will be there 10:00 -12:00. Look out for the TC pendant and a blue umbrella
Saturday sees a coffee and cake stop at the Mecure Warwickshire Walton Hall. It’ll be in the hall as you pass the hotel (past reception) Again 10:00 - 12:00. They are using coffee urns so not as good quality but faster (I hope) this stop is about 15.5km, so ideal. Enjoy both . This is the East ride
The main hall got double booked for Saturday night, I’m afraid, so we have to vacate by 10:00. This gives enough time to wash up etc and will include the ladies showers. The good news is that as a thankyou for being understanding, I’ve been given access to a room under the main stand and area by the finishing line with picnic benches for Saturday night, so a bit of a bonus
We have some Gillet left if you want. Silver vw van centre of field pitch 51. Come this afternoon. Thanks Steve
General Rally Information
Campsite Information
Campsite Layout
I have pre-arranged where everyone is pitched. Done for 2 reasons, mainly so people can camp close to friends and also to reduce the admin time on arrival.
I have allocated randomly, but have kept requests together. There are some non electric campers who are friends with electric campers. I have facilitated this, so the non electric campers can see roughly where to pitch. These are now set, it was quite a task to get these right, please no requests to move now.
Document | Notes |
Map_of_pitches.pdf | Entrance is on the lower right. |
Pitch_allocation.pdf | As emailed by Neil on 26/07/2023 at 10:54 |
Earliest at 14:00 on Sunday please. You may arrive after the 6pm cutoff mentioned on the campsite's website, but please try to arrive by 8pm (to make it easier for those directing arrivals).
There will be 4 couples to direct you.
If you wish to stay on Saturday, you will need to arrange this with the campsite direct and may need to change to your allocated pitch for the rally on Sunday.
Please leave by 12:00 (midday)
If you wish to stay longer, contact the campsite
Electric Pitches
These are around the outside. The pitches aren't marked as such and in some cases you'll need to zig zag slightly to achieve distances.
The campsite's rule is 6 metres between hard units (the side of your van/caravan/tent), 3 metres between the awnings.
If on electric please bring a 25metre length of cable, longer if you have one.
Non Electric Pitches
In the middle, it's a big area, spacing won't be an issue. No spaces are reserved.
However I have had 3 bookings ask to be close to the toilets for reasons that won't go into. The field extends close to the toilets so please be considerate. There is a small area of grass next to the toilets, no tents here please.
We have 2 rooms booked and they are at the far end. I will have the keys and will open and close these.
I have charging cables and USB adaptors to charge things, but only a limited number. If you can bring your own multi-adapter with a plug, that would be really helpful.
For those camping, bikes are not to be stored overnight in these rooms. There are plenty of fences around the site to use.
The rooms need to be kept clean and tidy.
These rooms will be used for evening activities and for tea coffee when coming back.
Tea / Coffee
A kettle and tea and coffee will be available, I'll try to keep this restocked, but please don't rely on it.
Can everyone try to bring their own cups please. There are a few spares and if you use these please wash them up and return.
The same applies for the welcome drink, please pack a glass or equivalent.
There are showers on site, these are reported as OK, so I have ordered in a 4 unit facility that will be on the hardstanding, close to the entrance.
The site are providing bins, you'll find these at various locations.
Recycling is possible but NOT GLASS, please take this home with you. I haven't yet found a site in Stratford.
Manager on Site
The manager Sherrie will be on site all week near the office.
Any issues to do with rubbish and camping can you seek her out please.
Emergency Contacts
I will have a mobile, but will be using a temporary number for the week, as will Phil Harmer. This will be available during the week should there be any emergencies and will be posted in the on the rally notice board when we get a SIM card. Please only call if absolutely necessary.
The closest is Simply Fresh. It's a convenience store, but it really is a good one. Out the campsite, head right and bear right at the roundabout, it's 400 metres along on the right. You can miss the road works by using the cyclepath and using Aintree Road.
Other big supermarkets. There is nothing west of the site. They are on the other side of town to the east
There will be rally badges. These will hopefully be ready for your arrival, if not at the welcome drink.
Schedules for the Week
Day | Direction | Notes |
Monday 7th Aug. | Head South | THERE IS A FREE TEA STOP at the LYGON HOTEL in Chipping Campden. |
Tuesday 8th Aug. | Northeast Warwick and Kenilworth | |
Wednesday 9th Aug. | Velocio | Stephen Dee has read the rules, designed the challenge and will award the trophy. It's a fun day out. JUDGE'S DECISION IS FINAL, this is a fun day out. |
Thursday 10th Aug. | Rest Day | Loads to see and do in the area. The RSC is closed. |
Friday 11th Aug. | Northwest to Henley-in-Arden | |
Saturday 12th Aug. | Heading east | There is a free morning tea stop at a hotel - details to follow. There is a small chance that Friday and Saturday rides will be transposed depending on the hotel and free tea stop. |
There are a lot of National Trust properties in this area and the rides go past quite a few. You can't access tearooms unless you are a member (other tearooms are available). If you want to join, now's the time!
Evening Entertainment
All activities in the rooms, unless otherwise stated.
Day | Event | Notes |
Sunday 6th Aug. | Welcome Drink 19:30 | Drinks are provided, please BRING A GLASS/MUG. |
Monday 7th Aug. | Presentation | I'm going to do a presentation on the Rides database on the Tandem Club website. 2 years in the making and still improving, it has functions designed for touring cyclists and is fabulous for finding places. It could be long or short, depends how I get my act together. |
Tuesday 8th Aug. | Quiz 19:30 | Your host will be me. Teams of 6, a variety of questions - My decision is final. Velocio maps may be given out as well. |
Wednesday 9th Aug. | Tandem Games | Join Phil Harmer on the camping field for the games. We need 25 x 500ml empty, clean yoghurt pots. Please bring one or two along. |
Thursday 10th Aug. | Nothing Planned | |
Friday 11th Aug. | Presentation 19:30 | In the past 20 years, I have led tours all over the world, carry a DLSR and have given many talks, so Mongolia here you come. Japan may make an appearance and maybe other places |
Saturday 12th Aug. | Farewell BBQ | Bring your own food to the area round the camping field. If bringing a BBQ don't forget to raise it off the grass (as by your pitch). No band, no singing, just us. |
Routes and Places of Interest Viewable and Downloadable
The following is the list of rides with maps showing the ride with statistics and places of interest on the routes. Only those booked for the event and logged into the website will be able to access these.
For folks new to this, there is no set leaving time. These are NOT guided. However if you want to cycle with a group. Meet at 09:00 at the entrance gate. There if others want to, you can get together and cycle together. To the regulars, try to pick up tandems who don't want to ride solo, that's the lovely thing about this club. The routes have been designed, so everyone goes out and comes back the same way, so you shouldn't tandem alone.
There are 12 routes, a short, medium and long ride for each day, as they have been arranged for Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday (Velocio on Wednesday).
For the long rides, 2 of the long extensions have been ridden, 2 have not, but for all of them a gpx track has been produced. A streetview routesheet is also present and an indication of what's on the route. Every turn not ridden has been labelled STREETVIEW, from experience this works pretty well.
The club's Rides Database presents the routes below. The 12 routes are listed first, and then below them are 2 zip files enabling you to download all the route files in one click.
When you click on the ZIP, you will get 36 documents.
For each route you get:
- GPX file (or TCX file in the second zip file)
- A route sheet with map and elevation profile and fully checked route instructions. Even if you are using a gpx device, please use this as it contains additional information.
- A route sheet in a larger font format to allow you to read the route instructions more clearly should you wish.
Should you want to access the route sheet to make the font, bigger, smaller then you can. Click on the route you want to do and click on 'Download route sheet editable file', this accesses a Word document.
In the route sheets:
- Number (Num) - These relate to the numbers on the map, so you can see where you are.
- Distance (Dist) - Cumulative distance.
- Previous (Prev) - The distance between this and the last instruction.
- Route Notes - A description of the junction you will encounter.
This description is not only the junction, but may also contain references to things you may see before or after the junction. These are designed to reassure TR – Turn Right TL – Turn Left XR – Crossroads SO – Straight on TJ – T-Junction L – Left R - Right (Eff SO) – Effectively straight on. Some junctions are T-junctions, TL or TR, but you are carrying on straight.
Landranger 150 and 151 covers nearly all and will cover short and medium.
Landranger 138, 139 and 163 have parts of the long ride on them.
Introduction to the Rides Database
As some of you will know, I have spent the past 2 years developing this database. Once you get into it, it really is a wonderful thing and these rides are very much linked to this.
If you click on each of the individual rides you will see not only the route but also a lot of symbols. These relate to things you will pass on the way. Clicking on an icon will reveal what's there, and details of that attraction/cafe. In essence you can look the night before and plan what you would like to see along the way. I have added as many cafes and places of interest along the route that I can. (Nationally there are over 8000 now).
If you wish to take that further you can go to the individual ride file and scroll to the bottom. By pressing the upload map picture (in green) and then clicking on Download Place information you will get a PDF of the places you pass and the information contained. This can be filtered to within 0.5, 2, 5 and 10km of the GPS trace, yes the system is that good, try that on Strava!! One is enclosed as the attachment.
There is also a Location button. (L on the left hand side of the map) If you login on your phone, you can look at the map and icons and see where you are (as a red dot) In real time, you can see that you are close to that castle that you have always wanted to see and maybe divert to it, or you can see just how close you are to that cup of tea and carrot cake.
The ability to download all the rides, by a member, in a zip file will be available once the rides have been published here.
15 random places within 30 km of the area are given below. Click on the title above to see all places and for more info
Note the ride maps show all of the places on routes as icons on the maps.
Full place listing.![]() |
Id: 8448 Category: food/cafe Map Reference: 52.28206, -1.5888 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 7894 Category: food/cafe Map Reference: 52.19632, -1.59088 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8421 Category: food/pub Map Reference: 52.2203, -1.7619 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 6976 Category: food/cafe Map Reference: 52.05338, -1.73419 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8756 Category: food/shop Map Reference: 52.01279, -1.76211 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8252 Category: food/pub Map Reference: 52.09134, -1.69059 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8522 Category: food/cafe Map Reference: 52.0864, -1.776 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 643 Category: food/cafe Map Reference: 51.9297, -1.72212 Show on a mapAdded by: Lester Evans |
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Id: 7893 Category: food/gardenCentre Map Reference: 52.20424, -1.6139 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 6880 Category: food/cafe Map Reference: 51.95393, -1.96359 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8261 Category: food/pub Map Reference: 52.09186, -1.83445 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 7115 Category: food/cafe Map Reference: 52.28071, -1.58691 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 4563 Category: food/cafe Map Reference: 52.26022, -1.93943 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8524 Category: food/shop Map Reference: 52.09513, -1.50574 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8451 Category: food/pub Map Reference: 52.2658, -1.66728 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
15 random places within 30 km of the area are given below. Click on the title above to see all places and for more info
Note the ride maps show all of the places on routes as icons on the maps.
Full place listing.![]() |
Id: 2286 Category: interest/historic Map Reference: 51.97556, -1.57082 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 1926 Category: interest/house Map Reference: 52.20536, -1.62222 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 1913 Category: interest/house Map Reference: 52.34092, -1.70854 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8255 Category: interest/wildlife Map Reference: 52.1897, -1.70046 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8520 Category: interest/museum Map Reference: 52.05249, -1.77631 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8521 Category: interest/museum Map Reference: 51.9883, -1.70678 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8128 Category: interest/house Map Reference: 52.19072, -1.73192 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 1942 Category: interest/house Map Reference: 52.22425, -1.84644 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8432 Category: interest/museum Map Reference: 52.29033, -1.78039 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8579 Category: interest/picnic Map Reference: 52.05798, -1.61405 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 2326 Category: interest/church Map Reference: 51.96859, -1.92834 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8446 Category: interest/picnic Map Reference: 52.28107, -1.5869 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8419 Category: interest/visitorCentre Map Reference: 52.19267, -1.70242 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 8447 Category: interest/museum Map Reference: 52.28123, -1.58719 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |
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Id: 1819 Category: interest/house Map Reference: 51.95973, -1.64016 Show on a mapAdded by: Neil Wheadon |