Tandem 2025 - UK National Rally
Saturday 24 May 2025 - Saturday 31 May 2025
Booking Form
Bookings to be received by Tuesday 1 April 2025
Important Notes
- This event is open to UK or overseas Tandem Club Members or, in the case of overseas people, members of the following organisations: "Tandem Club of America", "Tandem Club de France", "Tandem Club NL (Netherlands)", "Tandem ClubVlaanderen (Belgium)" and " (Germany)". You can join the Tandem Club using the forms on the TC website. Joining the TC (About 15 UKP per year)
- All bookings to be received by Rally organisers by: Tuesday 1 April 2025. Subject to availability.
- The Rally fee covers the costs incurred in arranging the rally. This includes equipment costs, evening event costs, preparation of route instructions, organisers costs plus all the other bits and pieces to make it all happen.
- Tandem Club Membership numbers are on the mailing label for your Journal or on any renewal forms. Please enter your cycling clubs name for overseas non TC members. If you don't know your membership number enter "Unknown" in the membership number box and we will find it for you or email us at: so we can find it for you.
- Data privacy: The information you provide on this form will be added to the Club event database to be used by the Club for purposes only in connection with the running of the event. The data will be available as needed to facilitate the event. It will never be disclosed for marketing purposes. You have a right to complain to the ICO if you believe there is a problem with the Club's handling of your data. Further details are given in the Club's Data Privacy Policy, available on the Club website or on request from the Club Secretary, Please indicate on the form below that you have read and accept these terms.
Special notes
- You can book extra days before and after the rally with the campsite direct.
- The minimum number of days on a pitch is 7 days.
Booking procedure
- If you have a website login account, then please login before using this form as most fields will be filled in for you automatically.
- Please complete this form and then use the "Calculate" button at the end to calculate the payments. Make sure you choose the payment type (card, bacs or cheque) and currency type you will be using to pay.
- Dates of birth only need to be entered (changed from the default) for people below the age of 19.
- Check the payment values and if Ok use the "Book" button to book for the event. If paying by card click on the "Pay on Credit or Debit Card" button which will take you through the card payment details. You will be sent an email with the booking information and will be given a "BookingRef".
- For people in the UK, please then pay in one of the following ways:
- For card payments (our preferred method) click on the "Pay on Credit or Debit Card" button that is displayed after the "Book" button is pressed and you will be taken to a secure payments page.
- You can pay in pounds sterling using BACS (direct bank transfer) to the Tandem Club's UK account. (Information will be provided after booking)
- You can post a cheque in pounds sterling for the total amount, with name of Party Leader and booking reference on the reverse, payable to: "The Tandem Club". (Address to send to will be provided after booking)
- For european and international bookings, please then pay in one of the following ways:
- You can pay in pounds by online credit card in GBP pounds stirling. Choose the payment type of "card" and the currency of "Pounds"
- You can pay in euros by direct bank transfer to the Tandem Club's euros bank account.(Information will be provided after booking).
- You can pay in pounds sterling by direct bank transfer to the Tandem Club's UK account. (Information will be provided after booking).
- For BACS and cheque payments please use the booking reference provided as the BACS payment reference and on the back of cheques. The booking reference, account number details and address to post cheques will be given after you book.
- Note that the TAB key can be used to move to the next field
- If you have any problems with the booking form or system please email:
Card accepted are: