4 tandems set out from Wem for the October ride and we were joined by Robert and Wendy along the route to the Wharf Tavern for lunch. Autumn is now well under way but the weather was mostly good but a little chilly. We did have a slight shower soon after starting but the later sunshine made up for it. Lunch at the Wharf was great, a big square table enabled all 10 of us to join in the conversation which mainly seemed to be discussing Joss and Helen's sanity in planning to do the Coast to Coast next a day!!! To even think about doing 150 miles of very hilly riding in one day is worthy of respect. Karen was kept busy tackling her very large Ploughman's Lunch, her plate contained enough to feed the ploughman and his extended family, the rest of us had time to order and eat dessert whilst she ploughed (groan) away.
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