August Ride. 4 tandem crews met up in Worcester Country Park on a day that had promised to be hot, so we were all quite glad about the cloud cover. Our ride leaders Martyn and Heather led us through a maze of cycle ways and out into the countryside towards the lovely town of Pershore, where we all had coffee in the garden of a café. We then headed north to Oddingley before turning south back towards Worcester just as the sun started to put in an appearance and things rapidly heated up. Back at the Country Park 3 couples had their lunch on a picnic bench and all agreed it had been a lovely ride.
Attention all Hase Pino riders 🙂. We think that there are about 6 or 7 of us attending the rally and think it would be great to get a group photo of us all together, our various Pinos cover quite a wide age range. Hopefully we will all be at the celebration cream tea tomorrow and that will be a good opportunity for said photo , so see you there 🙂