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The annual Christmas Meal for the Taunton Group was held at the Walnut Tree Hotel in North Petherton. Unfortunately Storm Darragh had created difficult conditions for the cyclists and the original route had to be cancelled. An alternative route across the Levels was quickly created and led by Malcolm with a reduced number of tandems and solos taking part negotiating floods, fallen trees and bracken.
The main entrants in the fancy dress competition were Jeff and Vicky. Unfortunately the very strong winds made it impossible for them to cycle dressed as Christmas Stockings!
Thirty one people attended the lunch and were accompanied by music and songs from Nick, Kate and Ian. The quizzes were organised by Santa’s elf and won by Vicky and Nick. As always the trophy for the most rides attended was hotly contested and Jeff and Vicky won.
Next year promises to be another busy one. We have leaders for rides in every month. Malcolm has 14 couples going to his New Forest get together in April. Ian has a similar number heading to Brittany in June. Jeff and Vicky are planning another trip to the Tarka Trail in August and the Christmas Meal may be at Tiverton for a change!