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I've tidied up all the rides from Veere and added 6 pictures to each, an example is at
There were 2 bits of feedback from Veere. Firstly that the rides weren't in any particular order, this will hopefully be addressed. It's to do with the numbering system. Basically when you enter a ride it gets a unique number, this cannot be changed, but we've thought of a workaround. Secondly the naming convention needed thought about and as you may see I have altered all the names now. This will be looked at for fture events.
I have also created 5 galleries, so for example the one for the Friday medium ride is at The system is clever enough that these galleries can be linked to the ride which I've done. Even better all the galleries for an event also appear in the ride, so it's agreat historical record.
Now everyone can add a gallery, all you have to do is create one and add you pictures. It would be great if folks can create a gallery for the short and long routes and maybe add any others to the medium ride. This further helps anyone using these routes in future as people do
Finally, I showed about 10 people the Rides database in detail ad all were surprised just how much was in there and the functionality. I'm the first to admit the interface is tricky at first (an upgrade is coming) but once in there, there is a lot of good stuff, check out 'published rides' The easiest way in, is to use the search button right at the top, type in a place or even a name of a popular tourist attraction (English Heritage/NT for example, scroll to the bottom and hit the hyperlink, that will get you started
Thanks again to Eugene who did all the admin as well as Phil and don't forget Tony