
Organisers Contact: Mark Brayne, Tel: 01263478329, Email:

This is a Tandem Club regional group.

Ian Steel2021-05-30 14:40:01Norfolk

Just saying "hello" 👋 as just joined the tandem club following buying my first 'tri-tandem'.

Mark Brayne2022-08-08 21:07:53Norfolk

Saying hi to fellow tandem enthusiasts in Norfolk or close, and hoping to see two, four or six of you perhaps on a ride in the autumn (2022). Not quite sure yet how this group website works, but no doubt all will become clear as I experiment, and get things wrong...

Mark Brayne2023-08-04 18:33:15Norfolk

Not sure how many this will get through to, but for anyone within striking distance of Norwich, we're doing a small club ride Saturday August 19th, starting 1000 at Ringsfield Village Hall Church Rd, Ringsfield Corner, Beccles NR34 8NT, UK, and postponed, thanks to forecast rain, from this coming weekend two weeks early. All welcome! If you do join us, be prepared for tales of a 3500 mile tour of Germany just completed on our Thorn Discovery Twin, over three months and with a spot of retrofitted electro-help. Mark Brayne

Peter Weeks2023-08-08 17:51:20Norfolk

Mark - hope the weather is good for the peloton. Photos and a ride writeup welcome on the website and in the Journal please!

Mark Brayne2024-02-23 07:45:13Norfolk

Greetings to anyone within striking distance of North Norfolk, we're doing a ride on Saturday April 7 starting out from our home in Sheringham, and probably heading West towards Blakeney, or maybe East through Cromer to Happisburgh for the lighthouse and the North Sea's crumbling cliffs. Anyone keen please contact Mark Brayne on or 07711 888682.

Andrew Duncan2025-03-09 16:15:27Norfolk

coffee, cakes and tandems. Members from the Waveney valley had a meet at Halesworth with membere coming from all points of the compass. We discussed meeting every month or so. Watch this space.

Mark Brayne2025-03-09 16:56:12Norfolk

Very impressed by your turnout Andrew. We never managed anything that close here up north on the coast. If you and your fellow riders ever felt like coming this far, would be good to team up.

Id: 358
Location: Smallburgh, Norfolk
Postcode: NR12 9LX
Map Reference: 52.7631, 1.46556
Ride length: 87 km
Ride ease: Average
A ride largely off road via the Weavers Way and Marriots Way. The track is generally well maintained and firm but there could be muddy patches/ridges after rain. A sheltered route on a wide pathway but there were some areas where stinging nettles were encroaching.

The ability to download all the rides, by a member, in a zip file will be available once the rides have been published here.