For Sale: Quadricycle Sociable tandem
By: Peter Simpson/br>Email: (Login to view)/br>Telephone: (Login to view)/br>Location: READING/br>Listing ends on: Wednesday 12th June 2024/br>Price: £3500/br>'Roam Twinbike Split' manufactured in the Netherlands.
As New. Less than 1 year old. Ridden less than 3 miles.
Cost £4500. On sale for £3500 ono.
Riders sit side by side - Easier to communicate.
Can be steered by both riders or left rider only.
Independent pedalling - put in at much or as little effort as you like, but always stay together.
Electric pedal assist on left hand bike.
Can quickly be split into two autonomous bikes, each of which can be ridden separately or to simplify transportation.