
When you click on an icon, this what you'll see


What are you going to find at the place of interest

Secondary Category

There are places that do a multitude of different things, a good example is a National Trust house with a tearoom. A secondary category tells you this

Map Reference

These are in Northings and Eastings

If you want a map reference you can use a program such as  gridreferencefinder

Show on Map

Clicking on the blue hyperlink takes you to the location on the map (open street map)

Google directions

Clicking on the blue hyperlink Google Directions, takes you to the google map

Added by

The person who added the entry. Clicking on the name allows you to email that person. 

Web 1

Clicking on this link takes you to the website

Web 2

Clicking on this link takes you to the secondary website. The protocol is to have social media here unless a main website address does not exist


Telephone number with STD code

n Address

The description isn't headed as such


The description isn't headed as such, but is a brief description of the place of interest


Up to 4 pictures of the place of interest


A PDF document can be uploaded. These can be anything useful from a menu through to a map of a country park. You can rename the document in the box underneath. Please put the year of entry in brackets after the name