British Cycle Quest

BCQ has been going for many years. With six clues in each County it provides a perfect opportunity to explore our glorious Isles. It is managed by a Tandem Club member (thankyou Stephen Dee) and we encourage everyone to give it a go, after all you never know, it may hook you and you'll end up visiting all 402 sites.

Rides allow you to not only view the locations and clues for each question, but also to record each one that you have visited bespoke to your membership of the club.

How to find them and how to view them.

Open Rides. On the left hand toolbar, click on 'List Places' and select misq/bcq (it's near the bottom)
Select 'Show selection on map'
This will reveal a map of the UK with all the BCQ marked with a green icon
Use the + at the top left to zoom into the area you would like to explore
Hover over the icon of interest, and select it to reveal the information. There are now 2 options, the top and bottom hyperlink
Top Hyperlink.
If you select the Top Hyperlink you reveal the information allowing you to visit the clue and answer the question. At the bottom you can add a picture of your visit and/or write something (no spoilers please)
Bottom Hyperlink
If you select the Bottom Hyperlink, you will be able to record your visit that is specific to your membership number. To do this select 'Mark as Done'
If you now return to the map, the icon has now turned yellowy orange, a very personal record tat you have completed this clue. Now only 411 to complete

Combining this with other activities

With 42 different categories of places of interest you can combine a BCQ with something else. Maybe you want a local campsite or a local cafe, here's how

Go to the BCQ map
Zoom into the area you would like to visit
Select the S - Places Select (make sure that P is still green)
This will reveal a box with all the categories of Places of Interest and next to it a box. You will see that misc/BCQ is already ticked (You may need to scroll up the page to find this)
Now select what you like. So if you fancy a spot of cycle camping, select stay/cyclecamping
Then press SET
Go back to the map and all the cycle camping campsites are marked