The Event |
This rally was located at two forts (Fort Purbrook and Fort Widley) situated on the top of Ports Down overlooking Portsmouth and with a view to the Isle of Wight. Several ride routes were provided (long, medium, short and family routes) but were not associated with any given day. This made taking representative pictures difficult as riders were spread rather thinly across the countryside. We've done our best below... After weeks of hot, sunny weather, forecasts for this week were dire with high winds and rain forecast. They turned out to be largely accurate although we did also have some very pleasant periods. |
View over Portsmouth to the Isle of Wight from Fort Widley  |
Click on any of the following pictures to enter a slide show (with larger pictures) at the selected picture
Sunday, 27th May |
The weather was showery and windy. Some tandem teams from Fort Widley set off in a northerly direction heading for Queen Elizabeth Country Park where we knew there was a welcoming café.  | Some of the Fort Widley contingent at Broadhalfpenny Down  |
In Queen Elizabeth Country Park  |

Monday, 28th May |
The weather overnight had been very wet and very windy with at least one tent at Fort Purbrook being demolished by wind and rain and most of the caravan awnings at Widley, that were not taken down previously, were damaged by the wind. The following morning was wet and very windy and most people spent the day cowering at their bases rather than risk being blown off their tandems! However, despite the poor weather we did have a very pleasant social gathering in the evening in the fort. We did this each evening. Evening functions also took place at Fort Purbrook a Table Top Sale, slide shows by Mike Edwards and Keith Wileman, a quiz and Mike Edwards displayed his vintage bikes.  | A typical picture as the rain poured and the wind blew - a forlorn looking tandem at Fort Widley  |
Social gathering in the evening at Fort Widley  |
At Fort Purbrook Mike Edwards demonstrates one of his vintage bikes and Keith Wileman demonstrates old bicycle lamps. photos: David Wilde Note: click here to see more from Mike and Keith's Vintage bicycle show.  |

Tuesday, 29th May |
Tuesday dawned sunny and 8 tandem crews from Widley set off promptly at 9:30, heading in a northwesterly direction towards Brambridge with refreshment stops on the way out at Bishop's Waltham and another on the way back at Wickham. | The start, outside Fort Widley  |
Alan and Pauline  | Mary and Alan leading the train  |
Martin and Jen  | Ian and Jo  |
David and Annabelle  | Afternoon tea stop at Chesapeake Mill, Wickham  |
The Family ride from Purbrook went to Fishbourne Palace near Chichester. | Tandemists gather at Fort Purbrook for the ride to Fishbourne Palace photo: Mark Noble  |
En route to Fishbourne Palace photo: Mark Noble  | En route to Fishbourne Palace photo: Mark Noble  |
Refreshments stop photo: Liz Noble  |

Wednesday, 30th May |
Today was wet! Nevertheless we had a very good turnout comprised of teams from both forts for our ride to the north - stopping again at Queen Elizabeth Country Park. In the evening we had a very interesting and informative walking tour of Fort Widley. | Just after the start - in the rain  |
The inevitable wet weather puncture  | About to leave Queen Elizabeth Country Park in the rain  |
How appropriate!  | Almost back to Fort Widley  |
The sun came out in time for our guided tour of Fort Widley  | Descending into the depths...  |
In the underground tunnels  |

Thursday, 31st May |
The final day was sunny and Brian and Chris led the Widley group on a ride to Bosham and Chichester. | Morning departure  |
Bosham - "This road floods each tide"  | Looking back to Bosham  |
Our leaders  | Pleased to be cycling in the sunshine  |
The Family ride from Purbrook went to Hambledon and beyond... | In Hambledon photo: David Wilde  |
En route photo: David Wilde  | Picnic photo: David Wilde  |
Riders returning to Fort Purbrook  | Riders returning to Fort Purbrook  |