| Daren Fielder and Alison Kinnett | The Event Alison's Easter Rally Poem On April 17th we all took flight, To spend the Easter weekend at a Youth Hostel site, Sheringham in North Norfolk was our venue, Where cycling, socialising and fun was on the menu. Cyclists came from far and wide, All eager to begin their first ride. The welcome was warm and extended to all, All ages and counties, tandems, solos 'n' all! All having one thing in common, Their cycles, and a desire to get on 'em. John gave a welcoming speech in the evening, Assisted by Margaret so everyone knew what they were doing before leaving. Handing out leaflets they'd been preparing for a while, Planning and organising, going that extra mile. The first day was fun, With plenty of sun. Short, medium or long, Everyone chose the ride they were to go on. The Bryants, the Hurrells and the Steggles mapped them out, With first class directions, there was little doubt. With not too many mistakes we found our way, Back for cakes at the YHA. A welcome sight as we came down the hill, With hot cross buns waiting we all had our fill. The evening was the time to exercise the grey matter, With Mike and Anne's quiz, there was much laughter and chatter. The questions were taxing; the quiz sheets were fun. It soon emerged who the brainy one's were - table eight - they won! Saturday brought the wind and grey sky, It was a gamble, should we ride or stay dry? It was only the brave who ventured out on their bike Facing the weather, they completed the westerly hike. Making their way round the routes they had chosen, They were to return with noses and toes frozen. Battling the wind as they pushed their pedals round, It was a struggle, as the last ones back found. It had been a very tough day, Was there enough energy left for dancing the night away? Bill and Joan's line dancing raised everyone's spirits once more, As one by one they all got up on the dance floor. On Sunday once more the weather was fair, And everyone flocked out on their tandems again in pairs. All working up an appetite for the special Easter spread, Where back at the YHA we were all fed. The raffle was drawn and prizes passed on, Competition answers were giv'n, read out by John. The Davies family was presented with the Easter Rally cup, As a token of the miles they managed to clock up. Dennis of Grunty Fen kept us entertained after that, A real character with his guitar, coat and hat. He sang songs and told stories to keep us all cheery, But at the end of the night we did feel quite weary. A weekend in the saddle had taken its toll, A few sore bums, but we had reached our goal. A couple of nice rides, good company and sun, Ensured that everyone had a weekend that was filled with fun. So cheers John and Margaret for organising it all, The Easter Rally was a triumph and we all had a ball! click here for some pictures. |