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Dirty timing chain / stoker

Chris Lee2018-05-28 14:49:51

With reasonably full mudguards front and rear (see photos), when riding on slightly muddy railway tracks my stokers feet, timing chain, and the rear chain rings and drive chain always end up absolutely caked in mud. Generally my own feet on the front are clean! I can’t figure out if it’s all spray from the front wheel or mud captured under the rear mudguard dripping back on to the rear chain from above, or a mixture of both.
Has anyone  else suffered from this / got any suggestions to how I could adjust / modify my mudguards to prevent / minimise this ?

Tim Dowson2018-05-28 21:52:29

If the bottom tube is dirty underneath this suggests the muck is from the front wheel, and the front mudguard does finish quite high up. I rotated mine back, and down, to finish a few inches above the road; and now my feet get wet from the rain and not mucky and drenched by road splash. I'm hoping my chainset and chain will last longer too.